Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another day among the suitors (book 20)

After my discussion with Penelope, I made my way to the entrance of the hall to make myself as comfortable as possible on the hard ground. I was still though I could not sleep and even when the maids came to lay blankets upon me, I pretended to be sound asleep. As I lay there, a number of women passed by me, laughing, as they slipped into the castle. How I longed to spring upon them and kill them, but my mind told found it better to wait and kill the disloyal later. Athena soon came to me, she emerged from the darkness in a woman's body. We talked and as she departed, she brought a peaceful sleep down to me. I lay half asleep and woke slightly due to the cries of Penelope and for a moment, there was a glimmer of hope that she knew I had arrived and was standing near me. However, when I awoke fully I knew it had been nothing more than what was left of a dream. I then prayed to Zeus, I prayed for some sign to show me that it was time, and I was to kill the suitors. It came to me in the form of a women, one who worked in the castle. She pleaded that this be the last day that the suitors fed in my hall, and once I heard it I knew I had no choice. In the hustle of the early morning, I came across my dear friend, Eumaios. He was leading his choice swine in for the days meal. We talked and I was soon introduced to Philoitios. He seemed a pleasant men, and greeted me well even in the state I was in. As the three of us talked, an eagle swooped down with a rockdove in its claws, yet another subtle sign that it was time for the massacre. Telemekus seated me by the door and gave me my fair portion of all that was served. This of course caused a bit of discussion among the suitors and it all lead to Telemekus making a fool of himself. I must admit, I felt sorry for the boy, though he was good with his words, some god must have put an evil laugh in the heart of the suitors this morning. They nearly fell off their chairs and the laughter got to the point that tears were streaming down many mens' faces. When the laughing died down and the suitors continued to make rude and ridiculous remarks, Telemekus ignored them and kept his head for the time being. 

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