Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Geust blogger- Athena (book 1)

What was Telemekus thinking??

I'd watched on in horror for long enough and Zeus finally gave me the oppurtunity to help Telemekus. The fool was letting the suitors trample all over him and HIS home! While Odysseus is on his journey home, Telemekus needs to be the man of the house and take control of what is truly his even though he's not confident in the fact that he is Odysseus' son. Not his son?! What is the boy thinking, of course he's his son! Now that his head is set straight and he has my advice, he will do well. He must tell the suitors off and be convincing in his demand that they leave or they will just laugh at him. I hope he listens for I do know what's best for him, he just doesn't know it. Once he learns to do things for himself and demand that the suitors leave, he will be much better off. 

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