Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Guest blogger- Telemekus (book 4)

After a long voyage with Pisistratos, Nestor's son, we arrived at Menlaus' house to a warm welcome. As Menelaus began to recount his many adventures and his great friend Odysseus, I broke down. Hearing of my father was too hard to handle. He was a great soldier and to know that I would probably never met him was starting to hit home as reality. Menelaus and his wife, Helen, soon recognized who I was. 
Menelaus then mentioned that he had heard word of the fact that Odysseus was still alive but was trapped on an island far out at sea. I then wondered to myself, "Why couldn't he have made it home? Didn't the gods help more than any other so why couldn't they free him from Kalypso?" Even with such anger boiled up inside of me, there also was a tiny flame of hope burning in the distance. After receiving such wonderful news Pisistratos and I headed back to Nestor's house so I could sail home to Ithika and give the news to my mother.
Meanwhile, the suitors heard the news of my return and planned a surprise attack to kill me before I returned home. They were to ambush me in a straight I would be forced to sail down to return home. The strongest and most respected suitors then boarded a ship and headed out to prepare for my return.

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